The purpose of the Men of Praise fellowship is to promote a Christian fellowship which will win, build, and grow men in their relationship with Jesus Christ through praying regularly in hopes of fostering new relationships as men of God and brothers in Christ; speaking to critical issues and challenges which men encounter in their personal and family life and committing ourselves to be God’s humble servants so that others will see our good works and glorify our Father in heaven.

Mission Statement: To establish a Men’s Fellowship Ministry whose aim is to help men strengthen their relationship with God, through prayer and service to family, Church and community thereby ensuring that men grow spiritually and live a Christ centered life.

The goals and objectives of the Fellowship will include:

  • Bring men together to pray and share God’s word
  • Meet regularly to encourage and support Christian growth and maturity
  • To increase men’s knowledge, interest and loyalty to the church and it’s vision
  • Teach men to be temperate, worthy of respect and self controlled
  • To encourage men to be sound in faith, love and endurance
  • Demonstrate strong moral character, integrity and self discipline
  • Encourage leadership at home and in the church
  • To encourage and give practical assistance to those who are in need
  • To develop programs, projects and activities that will both interest members in the church and a reassured sense of belonging

The Fellowship will aim to achieve the above goals by using the following:

  • The fellowship shall meet regularly for monthly meetings which will include an inspirational message and fellowship.
  • Organize workshops, retreats, seminars and conferences that can be life changing and bring men to new heights of commitment and resolve.
  • Organize other religious and social events that bring men together to share common values and opinions.

Justification for Men’s Fellowship:

  • Consistency – Men need consistency and hence we need to have a steady and consistent offering for men in our church.
  • Challenge – Men like to be challenged. It plays on their need for competition.
  • Confidentiality – The fellowship will provide an avenue to share problems and challenges, thereby offering an opportunity to provide the needed support and encouragement.
  • Discipleship – The fellowship will provide a forum for discipleship training as men are prepared to take positions of responsibility in the church and community.